Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quote Of The YEAR!

PALIN: "Let us continue to love our country, be proud of our country . . . NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR OUR COUNTRY!"


  1. Well, I don't know about that.
    I'm a Sarah Palin fan, and I love my country too, but I have to apologise for it frequently.
    My country is New Zealand, and we have in our infantile stupidity adopted a "nuclear free" law. It has become something of a shibboleth, and although Governments have changed, the stupid law stays.

    So, never having EVER to apologise for something your country may do is a pretty big ask.

  2. Ayrdale My country has done many things that I disagree with,, many that made my skin crawl,, but this is in reference to the president apologizing to every country he visited,, the smack daddy of stupidity actually had the gall to apologize to Germany for getting rid of Hitler,, how stupid is that,, anyway,, yes,, many things have come up that an apology is a good thing,, but,, many things ,,well nope not gonna say it

